The Foundation
PGÆåÅÆ Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated building a more mindful and compassionate world.
We aim to improve mental wellbeing, including helping people to cope better with depression, stress, anxiety and any other negative states of mind.
We research and develop freely available tools to make mindfulness and meditation more accessible and understandable.
The work that we do wouldn’t be possible without the support of our dedicated PGÆåÅÆ community.
Legal bits
- We are callled PGÆåÅÆ Foundation, or in Dutch Stichting PGÆåÅÆ
- PGÆåÅÆ is a non-profit Foundation registered in Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Chamber of Commerce registration number (KvK-nummer): 75284251
- VAT number (RSIN): 860222627
- Board meeting minutes are available
- See the articles of association (statutes / deed) (in Dutch)
- The foundation's policy plan is available
-> The Foundation
-> Our Objectives
-> Our Team
-> Scientific Advisory Board
-> Our Commitments
-> Our Finances
-> Contact us