Your opportunity to take part in mindfulness research

Mar 04, 2022 — Steven Yorke
Your opportunity to take part in mindfulness research

At PGÆåÅÆ Foundation, we're always keen to support the scientific community in advancing our understanding of mindfulness. That's why we're happy to share an exciting opportunity for you to contribute to a research project.

The University of Plymouth are looking for meditators to take part a study investigating the variety of experiences linked to meditation practice. This is an exciting opportunity for you to contribute to furthering the understanding of mindfulness. Also, for every person who takes part in the study, a £1 donation will be made to PGÆåÅÆ Foundation. (Please select PGÆåÅÆ Foundation as your preferred option for the donation to go to!)


Steven Yorke

Steven Yorke

Steven is one of the co-founders and board members of PGÆåÅÆ Foundation. He is currently studying for his master's degree in Mindfulness Studies with Aberdeen University. Say hi on Twitter: