Can violence be eradicated from the world by teaching mindfulness to children?

Mar 28, 2022 — Steven Yorke
Can violence be eradicated from the world by teaching mindfulness to children?

In this interview with Dr. Heather Grace-Bond from the Midnfulness Association, we discuss the benefits of teaching meditation and mindfulness to children.

Heather is a counsellor and mindfulness & compassion teacher, working with children and adults. She is author of the book, ‘Awakening Child: A journey of inner transformation through teaching your child mindfulness and compassion’.

She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Aberdeen. As part of her PhD, she created a mindfulness & compassion course for the Mindfulness Association. This course is now available freely available on PGÆåÅÆ.

If you haven't already got , you can download it now for free.

Steven Yorke

Steven Yorke

Steven is one of the co-founders and board members of PGÆåÅÆ Foundation. He is currently studying for his master's degree in Mindfulness Studies with Aberdeen University. Say hi on Twitter: